
Stop messaging him - Dhriti Pant

STOP MESSAGING HIM - DHRITI PANT MESSAGING HIM AND WAITING FOR HIS REPLY IS NEVER GOING TO MAKE A CHANGE. WISH HIM THE BEST AND BE HAPPY.  If he was the right one he would have showed you. Anyone who loves you and care that much about you will not only say but will demonstrate it. Keep going because you are strong and  this time it's Goodbye for real. You didn't deserve to be treated the way you feel about yourself and way others treat you. There is nothing like perfect relationship. More often it require a lot of understanding and sacrifices.   Life is all about balancing between holding on and letting go. I know it's never easy letting go of something that once brought happiness and peace but the more you attach yourself the more you get hurt. Attachment create suffering but you can walk away from attachment.  You will found peace just by walking away and will be proud for the making the best decision.

Sunshine till dawn

From being sunshine till dawn  From listing to her till she's gone .  From climbing mountain with passing rock..  From respecting her decision and walking along ..  From holding hand and becoming my wife... I want to tell you that you are my life.. Kissing on  forehead remind me of you... I wanted to tell that I love you...

Do you love yourself.? - Dhriti

Do you love yourself ? - Dhriti "Better to have a short life that is full of what you like, doing than a long life spend in a miserable way".  - Alan Watts. I know you are going through ups and down in life. I know you are broken , I know you want someone who can be with you everytime, cherish you, make you feel better in your mood swings. But buddy you are enough for youself You don't even require anyone else for you. You have to feel it with in yourself that you are okay. You are beautiful even with your flaws.  No need to change yourself for anyone. Just be happy for who you are because I know you are perfect. The one who love you has to love your flaws too. And trust me what matter is Do you love yourself? If you love yourself, you do what's best for you.Be proud of who you are. Love yourself everyday even at your lowest point. Remember that you're amazing. Just let go what others has done with you. Forgive them and Let go off your past. Don't ...

Let Him Go - Dhriti

Let him Go - Dhriti Pant I just remembered a line from " Kissing Booth " :-  You can't really hold on to someone because the tighter you hold on them the more they wanna slip away. All you can do is Love them  And make sure they know that you're never gonna slip away. If you love someone shower all the love you have for them, don't hesitate to show your love and at some point if he tries to slip away from you, your love then my dear please let go off your hold and don't hold that hand again.. Just walk away and you will feel much better. Few days back Someone shared her experience with me :- I have experienced this with my crush , we both knew we felt the same towards one another . At a certain point he started texting me every 4 days instead of multiple times in a day. I started feeling sad about that when it started to get too long, 4 days no text,  he comes back to talk to me for only an hour and then disappears. We discussed about that but he w...

Our Perfect Story

Our Perfect Story - Dhriti Pant  Memories of those days when I was in a rollercoaster of emotions not knowing either we will meet or not.  But meeting him after soo long time and finally realising nothing has changed between us. First love feel will remain forever no matter what the relationship defines. I have never shared this feeling with someone but this time I want you people to realise that Everything is possible when you are in love with someone unconditionally. Sometime what matter for me is his presence.Whenever he looks at me with his glittering eyes, the whole world freezes into one perfect moment. His smile, His eye's everything that's his is a part of mine, forever and ever. He feels the same love I hold for him. Comment ❤️ if you love someone unconditionally.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma Summary In Hindi.

रॉबिन शर्मा द्वारा लिखी गई यह किताब "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"  अर्थात एक सन्यासी जिसने अपनी संपत्ति बेच दी, प्रसिद्ध किताबों में से एक है इस किताब के द्वारा रॉबिन शर्मा ने जीवन के 7 महत्वपूर्ण सिद्धांतो का उल्लेख किया है । कहानी इस प्रकार शुरू होती है कि जूलियन मेंटल एक सफल व  अमीर वकील थे उनके पास हवेली, प्राइवेट जेट और फेरारी कार थी। वह बेहद परिश्रमी व्यक्ति थे। जूलियन 24 घंटे में से 18 घंटे काम करते थे जिस कारण उनके परिवार वाले उनको छोड़कर चले गए थे। कार्य का तनाव इतना था, कि वह 53 वर्ष की उम्र में ही 80 वर्ष के बुजुर्ग लगने लगे थे। कार्य के तनाव के कारण एक दिन कोर्ट में काम करते हुए उनके सीने में दर्द हुआ और वो बेहोश हो गए। अस्पताल ले जाने के बाद डॉक्टर ने बताया कि उन्हें हार्ट अटैक आया है। जूलियन को डॉक्टर्स द्वारा यह सलाह दी गई कि उन्हें अपने कार्य का इतना तनाव नहीं लेना चाहिए तथा शांति पूर्वक अपना जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहिए । डॉक्टर्स द्वारा इन वाक्यों को सुनने के  बाद जूलियन द्वारा एक साहसी कदम उठाया गया। उन्होंने अपना बंगला, प्राइवेट जेट और फेरार...

pollution and it's types/ Name 4 types of Pollution

POLLUTION AND ITS TYPES:  Pollution is the  process of polluting water, air and atmosphere. Pollution make our environment unfit for living.  There are four kinds of pollution:   1. Air pollution  2. Water pollution 3.  Noise pollution  4. soil pollution 1. AIR POLLUTION :   Causes :  Burning of coal, petrol and diesel in train, lorries and truck etc produce poisonous gases which pollute  the atmosphere and cause air pollution. Disease caused by Air Pollution:  1. Lung cancer 2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary 3. Stroke WATER POLLUTION:   Causes :  Sewage and industrial waste pollute the river and sea water such water causes water pollution.  Disease caused by Water Pollution:   1. Jaundice 2. Dysentry 3. Gastroenteritis. 3. NOISE  POLLUTION : Noise in big cities is created by means of trains, trucks, buses and other vehicles. industries machines also cause noise. Noise is als...

Festivals In India

Festivals In India India is also known as the land of festivals. Indian festivals are celebrated with equal pomp across the country. Festivals are divided into two parts :  1. National Festivals : National Festivals include -  • Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January. • Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August. • Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2nd October. • Happy Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated on 14th April 2. Religious Festivals : These festivals include -  • Diwali  • Holi  • Pongal  • Eid-ul-fitr • Christmas

Motivational quotes/ 4 Motivational quotes

4 Motivational Quotes. 1. One day these 5 a.m. will make you a legend. 2.  Work hard until the lamp of your study table become the spotlight of stage. 3. Yes..! Study sucks. But trust me, not more than failure. 4. Ofcourse it is hard, it is supposed to be hard. If it was easy everyone would do it. Hard is what makes it great. SOURCE :

Love yourself/ How to deal with Body shaming

"If you cannot praise anyone for who they are, you do not have any right to make negative comment about them".  Practice of humiliating someone by making comments about their body shape or size is known as BODY SHAMING . Shaming people makes them feel sorry for themselves, because they feel terrible from all the bullying. Body Shaming can cause depression and increase risk of suicide because the people being shamed suffers mentally and physically. • Other effect of Body Shaming is social anxiety. When people are publicly body shamed there is the tendency for the victims to avoid public place and hence isolating them. HOW TO AVOID BODY SHAMING :  1. Avoid people who make negative comments. 2. Being your authentic self and staying true to yourself. In a world that constantly celebrates " BEING FAKE" just "BE YOURSELF".  3. Don't let people constantly put you down buddy.. 4. Learn to love your body. It's your body and no one should have t...